Monday, September 22, 2008

PC users

Just recently I have viewed the "I'm a PC" commercial and I think it is great. Being a PC user, I was constantly on the low with all the MAC commercials, I felt that PCs were getting degraded time and time again. With all the celebrities in this commercial I think its safe to say that this commercial is a success because it is targeting all types of people. I love how it goes on to the stereotypes of a PC user although i really don't think there was any to begin with. Either way, its a great commercial and definitely puts it message across that MAC isn't trendy anymore.


Cori Brooke said...

I agree that the "Im a PC" commecial was great, yet I heard that some of the celebrites were fakes. There has been previous publicity of Pharrell with a MAC and now he is promoting the PC. Its not ethical. According to the laws of advertising, if you promote and advertise for a specific product, idea, or service, you have to use it. Seems kinda like HP has some kinks in its advertising.

Analee Paz said...

Mandi, first off, I agree Cori. That was the first thing that came to mind while watching the commercial myself! There is actually even rumors and reports out ( that the "Real PC" ads were actually made on a Mac! Finally, the most shocking thing about these ads is that they are the first television ads that Microsoft has had to release in a very long time! I can't remember any myself! Seems like they felt a little threatened and gave in.